PROMOS programme of the DAAD

Scholarship Announcement 2025

The University of Erfurt awards scholarships for stays abroad from funds of the PROMOS programme of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Scholarships are offered in 3 funding lines:

A: Travel grants (partial mobility scholarship) for study stays worldwide (except at Erasmus partner universities)
B: Travel grants (partial mobility scholarship) for internships outside of Europe
C: Grants for participation in language and specialised courses worldwide.

Approximately 5 scholarships are available per funding line.

Current note

Due to the current political situation, applications for stays in Russia cannot be submitted at the moment. The funding of projects in Russia is currently not permitted on the part of the sponsor (as of 09.03.2022).

The following applies to all funding lines:

General conditions of eligibility

(in addition to the specific conditions of the individual funding lines).

  • The stay abroad must be study-related, but credit transfer is not obligatory.
  • The amount and period of PROMOS-funded scholarships will be assessed according to the guidelines for the PROMOS programme provided by the DAAD.
  • The application must be submitted and approved before the completion of the stay abroad.
  • Only stays abroad in the calendar year 2024 will be subsidized. The stay abroad can last until 2025, but the grant will only be awarded for 2024.
  • Grantees must be enrolled at the University of Erfurt for the entire grant period.
  • PROMOS scholarships are not granted if the travel costs for the stay abroad are covered by another scholarship provider.
  • The PROMOS scholarship must be reported to the BAföG office (if a BAföG application is submitted).

Application documents

  • Application form
  • Detailed description of the study abroad or internship project
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Grade report incl. average grade (in E.L.V.I.S. account under "Examination matters " -> "My grades" -> "Study report" -> "Show all" -> print function in browser -> save as PDF)
  • Endorsement of a university teacher(form)
  • Proof of knowledge of the language of the target country
  • Confirmation of the host university, the internship institution or the language course organizer (this can also be submitted later)

Note: All documents are uploaded paperless in the Mobility Online portal. After submitting the online application form, the portal will guide you through the next steps (entering further data required for the administration of the scholarship, uploading the documents, printing and signing the application form, etc.).

Application deadline

The application deadline for 2025 is 25/03/2025.

Selection process and selection criteria

Selection process

Scholarships are awarded by a selection committee that meets at the end of April. Selection is usually made on the basis of files (no personal presentation).

Selection criteria

  1. Plausibility of the project abroad
  2. previous academic achievements
  3. language skills
  4. social commitment


Manuela Linde
International Relations and ERASMUS Institutional Coordinator; Outgoing Student Advisor
(International Office)
C02 – administration building / C02.00.35