| Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät, SPF Bildung. Schule. Verhalten., Forschung

Nachhaltigkeitsorientierte Weiterbildungsdidaktik

Claudia Müller, Jan Pranger & Jens Reißland (eds.)


Claudia Müller, Jan Pranger & Jens Reißland (eds.)
Nachhaltigkeitsorientierte Weiterbildungsdidaktik
Die doppelte Multiplikatorenqualifizierung
(series: Berufsbildung, Arbeit und Innovation, volume 73)
Bielefeld: wbv Publikation, 2024
ISBN: 9783763973941
264 pages
49,90 EUR

The anthology is based on the findings and results of the project "TraNaxis - Transfer von Nachhaltigkeit in die berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildungspraxis", which was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training as part of the funding programme "Berufsbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung im Transfer für Ausbildungspersonal 2020–2022". A central project result is the double multiplier qualification as an approach to sustainability-orientated further education didactics.

Part I of the volume provides a multi-perspective theoretical framing of the project results in the context of vocational training research. . Parts II, III and IV present the development, trialling and successful transfer phase of the approach. Part II focusses on in-company training and further training personnel. Part III provides a theoretical foundation for the approach of sustainability-orientated continuing education didactics, while Part IV presents and reflects on the developed approach of dual multiplier qualification.