Religion, Society, and World Relations Max-Weber-Kolleg

Lehren und Predigen mit Patristischen auctoritates. Meister Eckhart, Brückenbildner zwischen Frankreich und Deutschland, Vergangenheit und Gegenwart

French and German experts explore the patristic foundations of Meister Eckhart.

04/2018 - 03/2021

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) :
378 000 Euro

Project management

Prof. Dr. Markus Vinzent
Fellow and Member of the Meister-Eckhart-Research Centre (Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies)


Prof. Dr. Dietmar Mieth

Sarah Al-Taher

Eckhart is a towering figure of the Middle Ages who in Teaching and Preaching with Patristic auctoritates joins Germany and France (Erfurt-Paris-Strasbourg-Cologne) bringing alive their common past. The experts on E.’s Latin exegetical works are French, on E.s German and Latin homilies German. However, E.’s Patristic sources have never systematically been explored. Through the exceptional cooperation of the French and German experts in TEAPREA, their constant interaction, combination of competences, giving access to resources, scattered in France and Germany, we will reveal the Patristic foundations of this important bridge builder.


Fellow and Member of the Meister-Eckhart-Research Centre
(Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.03.35
Office hours
on appointment
Profile page

Cooperation partner

Prof. Dr. Anne Vannier

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