Welcome to the guest auditor studies at the University of Erfurt

All information for guest auditors at a glance

Academic education for all: We are delighted that you are interested in attending lectures and seminars at the University of Erfurt as a guest auditor. On this page you will find all the information you need as a guest auditor.

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Every semester, interested people take part in our numerous lectures and lecture series. Regardless of origin, age, education and profession, anyone can study with us as a guest auditor and continue their education in an interdisciplinary way in the spirit of lifelong learning. You can organise your courses individually and freely according to your interests.

Important questions about the guest auditor studies

What is a guest auditor?

Guest auditor studies

Guest auditors are all those who are not enrolled as students at the University of Erfurt but would still like to attend courses regularly. A university entrance qualification (such as the Abitur) is not required. To register successfully, all you need to do is apply to register as a guest auditor and transfer the guest auditor fee. The application can be completed digitally and then sent by email or post. Admission is granted for a full semester.

Guest lectureships are an open educational programme offered by the university as part of its legal mandate to provide continuing academic education. 

This offer is primarily aimed at people who, for example:

  • do not want to take exams or complete a degree.
  • want to engage in intellectual dialogue with other people.
  • want to attend university in retirement.
  • want to take advantage of a programme that your university does not offer.
  • want to study or continue their education without a high school diploma.

Who can become a guest auditor?

Access to guest lectureships is generally open. Guest auditors are not subject to age restrictions, special admission requirements (e.g. A-levels or vocational training), professional status, a specific place of residence or other personal characteristics. Refugees are also invited to take part in our courses as guest auditors.

What status do I have as a guest auditor?

Guest auditor certificate

  • You will be enrolled with the status of "guest auditor" and receive a guest auditor certificate.
  • You will attend lectures at the university and sit in on courses together with the students.
  • As a guest auditor, you are not entitled to acquire credits. You are also not permitted to take examinations.

Please note: With the guest auditor certificate, you are not entitled to free use of local public transport in Erfurt or the Deutsche Bahn and do not receive any discounts in the canteen.

How do I become a guest auditor?

  1. Choose the lectures that match your personal interests from the entire range of courses offered by the university. You can find an overview of the courses in our course catalogue.
  2. Please then transfer the fees. The bank details of the University of Erfurt can be found on the application for registration as a guest auditor. Please submit your completed application together with proof of the previously paid fee (please bring proof of payment with you) by the end of the 2nd week of lectures of the current semester to Department 1: Studies and Teaching at the University of Erfurt.
  3. You will then receive your guest auditor certificate by post. Guest auditor status is valid for one semester (summer or winter semester).

Which courses are offered?

Course catalogue

The courses of the respective semester (summer semester and winter semester) can be found in the course catalogue of the University of Erfurt. Participation in language, art, music and sports courses is excluded for guest auditors.

Course catalogue 

You can find the lecture times in the Semester calendar.

Can I eat in the canteen and use the university library?

As a public institution, the University Library is freely accessible. You are warmly invited to make use of its services. It is also possible to visit the canteen on campus and eat there at a guest price.

Registration at the University Library

Canteen menu

What does the guest auditor programme cost?

Guest auditor fee

The guest auditor fee is €50 per semester.

Please transfer the fee to the following account:

  • Recipient: University of Erfurt
  • IBAN: DE22 8205 0000 3001 1112 71
  • Credit institution Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen (HELABA)
  • Reason for payment: SUL Guest [your surname/first name]

The fee can be waived if an entitlement to Bürgergeld under the Dritten Kapitel des Zweiten Buches Sozialgesetzbuch is proven. 
We will send the guest auditor certificate as soon as the guest auditor fee can be allocated. This is only possible if you enter the above-mentioned reason for payment in full when making the transfer. 


Studierendenangelegenheiten (Dezernat 1: Studium und Lehre)
Student Affairs
(Department 1: Registrar‘s Office)
C02 – administration building / Erdgeschoss (Haupteingang)
Office hours
in person: Monday to Thursday 12-15 hrs and by appointment
by telephone: Monday to Friday 9-11:30

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