
Anyone who discontinue their studies (with the exception of leave of absence ) or properly complete their studies should have themselves de-registrated , i.e. terminate their membership of the university.

This also applies if you transfer to another university. New enrolment usually requires the submission of the last certificate of de-registration.

To apply for de-registration, select the option "De-registration" under "Requests" on the student portal.

When specifying the desired date of de-registration, please note that this must be between the date of receipt of the application and the end of the semester. Retroactive de-registration is not possible.

After the start of the semester, deregistration can take place at the earliest on the day of receipt of the complete application for de-registration. A refund of the semester contribution is then no longer possible.

The de-registration is pronounced by the university by handing out/sending the de-registration certificate.

If no de-registration application has been submitted by the end of the current semester and no re-registration has been submitted for the following semester, de-registration will take place ex officio.

De-registration and university degree

Please note that you must be registered for your university degree when you hand in your last examination.  You do not need re-registration for the assessment of your thesis or for the award of your degree certificate. You can apply for de-registration after submitting your last examination.

If your degree certificate is not awarded until the following semester, the Thuringian Higher Education Act allows you to re-register for a further semester and remain enrolled there until the end of the semester.

Revocation of enrolment

If you would like to revoke your enrolment, please submit the application for revocation of enrolment before the start of the semester. I.e. for the summer semester by 31st March (cut-off deadline)/for the winter semester by 30th September (cut-off deadline). Please enclose all study documents (student ID [chip card] and master data sheet) with your application. Your enrolment will be revoked.

The semester fee will be refunded upon application. You will find the application for a refund attached to the application for revocation of enrolment. If the student ID card (thoska) has already been issued, the amount of the refund will be reduced by the fee for the chip card.

If your application for revocation is received after 31st March/30th September or is incomplete, you are enrolled for the current semester. In this case, you can only apply for de-registration in order to end your studies at the University of Erfurt. You can apply for a refund if you can prove that you have accepted a place on an admission-restricted degree programme at another university in the first month of the semester.


Antrag auf Rückerstattung eingezahlter Gebühren und Beiträge (pdf) // Application for refund of paid fees and contributions (in German only)

Application für revocation of enrolment(only for applicants who wish to revoke their enrolment before the beginning of the semester)