Dies academicus - Latin for "academic day" - refers to an academic holiday on which regular teaching is interrupted. The non-teaching holiday is common at many universities and is often celebrated on the founding date or a date important to the university. In addition to award ceremonies or alumni reunions, this day can also be used for a joint identity-building programme.

Under the motto "Participation - Resilience - Innovation. How does the University succeed in the 21st century?", the University of Erfurt invited its members to a Dies academicus on 7 June 2023. To talk. Less about each other, but much more with each other. About the changing university. About what makes us the University of Erfurt and what moves us and moves us forward. The aim was to look at the status quo as well as developments and what we as a university can take away from the crises of the recent past and strategies for overcoming them.
All university members were invited to the two keynotes - "Radikalität und Ermattung - Die Pole der Partizipationsdebatte und was dazwischen liegt" ("Radicality and Weariness - The Poles of the Participation Debate and What Lies Between") (Professor Pasternack, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg) and "Erste Einschätzungen zum Einsatz Generativer KI an der Hochschule" ("Initial Assessments on the Use of Generative AI at Universities")(Professor Robert Jung, University of Hohenheim) - which provided the impetus for the topics in the title. Following the keynote addresses, the morning and afternoon slots offered the opportunity to discuss the topics of democracy/participation, innovation and resilience in more detail in various workshops, lectures and other events. The day was framed by a joint breakfast in the cafeteria and the concluding panel discussion moderated by Professor Dr. Julia Knop, "How does higher education succeed in the 21st century?" with Marcus Berger (academic employee in the Lernwerkstatt and for higher education didactic qualifications), Elisabeth Menne (student, board member of the Student Council and student representative in the senate), Dr. Theresia Piszcan (Equal Opportunity Officer and member of the eTeach Team) and Professor Dr. Till Talaulicar (Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences and holder of the professorship for Organisation and Management).
Download: Programme (pdf)
You want to learn more? Read the detailed review of the Dies academicus 2023 here.