| Willy Brandt School of Public Policy

Brandt School Goes Global: Two-Day Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Public Policy Concluded at El Colegio de Mexico in September 2023

The workshop, led by Dr. Hasnain Bokhari, invited graduate and undergraduate students from the Center for International Studies at El Colegio de Mexico. The workshop introduced participants to major AI concepts and fostered critical thinking and discussions on AI implications by enabling participants to explore AI applications in public administration and education

From Technology to Policy: The Evolution of AI in Our Lives

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a mere technological phenomenon confined to the realm of technologists. It has emerged as a powerful catalyst reshaping policies that impact every aspect of our lives, from healthcare to the economy and from education to public administration. The rapid evolution of AI prompts us to ask a crucial question: Are we equipped with the knowledge and skills required to effectively navigate this AI-driven landscape?  With the surge in generative AI, several working groups on AI have been established at national and international levels. These groups convene in multilateral fora to discuss policy options, necessitating a nuanced understanding of AI's intricate policy implications. In the backdrop of recent developments in the field of AI, Dr. Hasnain Bokhari , Brandt School’s lead on international linkages, conducted a two-day workshop on the topic of AI and Public Policy at the Brandt School’s academic partner, El Colegio de Mexico, from September 21st to 22nd.

Bridging the Gap: AI, Public Administration, Education and Ethics

The workshop was specifically designed for the students of the Center for International Studies at El Colegio de Mexico, including graduate and undergraduate students from Public Policy, International Relations, and Political Science. The workshop aimed to delve into the intersection of AI and public policy by addressing the intricate threads that interconnect these two domains. Over the course of two days, participants engaged interactively and collaboratively, exploring topics related to the domains of public administration and education through the lens of AI and its potential ethical considerations. In response to group discussions, participants felt that data has assumed a role as fuel or currency in the age of digitalization. However, it also raises questions about human agency: who generates the data and who uses it? Participants also reflected on the ethical considerations within the use of AI in the public administration and education sectors, discussing how to avoid bias and how to address the population without access to technology.

expert discussion

Expert Discussion: Regulating Technologies and AI

The workshop also had the honor of inviting a distinguished expert from the telecommunications and technology regulation domain, Mr. Juan Carlos González Sánchez. Mr. Sánchez serves as the Director of Regulatory Improvement and Institutional Processes at the Federal Telecommunications Institute, the independent regulatory agency for the Telecommunications and Broadcasting sector in Mexico.  During a highly interactive session, both Mr. Sánchez and Dr. Bokhari engaged in a discussion of digitalization and eGovernment scenarios in Mexico and Germany. The delegates also emphasized the importance of data and data automation, highlighting the possibilities that predictive algorithms offer for improving administrative tasks, making information more accessible to the public through chatbots, and enhancing decision-making and forecasting.

The workshop took place from September 21st to 22nd, 2023, and marks a significant milestone in Brandt School’s pursuit of promoting academic excellence, global cooperation, and meaningful engagement with its collaborating partners. This workshop owes a debt of gratitude to the dedicated efforts of the professorial staff at El Colegio de Mexico, comprising Dr. Luicy Pedroza and Dr. Nain Martinez.


Head of Digital Policy and Artificial Intelligence
(Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.02.09