Focus: Study structure & application
Who can study? What can I study? How is the study programme structured? How can I apply for a degree programme? What does admissions restricted courses or numerus clausus actually mean? Prospective students have many questions. In this live presentation and the subsequent video chats, we would like to explain the study system to you and answer your personal questions.
We will show you how you can apply for admission-free or admission-restricted degree programmes.

Focus: international students
You come from abroad and would like to study at the University of Erfurt? The International Office can provide you with information on admission requirements and language requirements.
You are an international applicant and would like to study at the University of Erfurt? The International Office provides information about admission and language requirements.

Focus: Teacher training
Teacher training at the University of Erfurt takes place in the Bachelor's and Master's degree system (first the Bachelor's degree and then the Master's degree). The degree is equivalent to the 1st state examination taken at other universities. The studies are followed by the preparatory service, which ends with the 2nd state examination. At the University of Erfurt you can start training for the following teaching professions:
- Vocational schools,
- Special Needs Pedagogy,
- Primary schools,
- Secondary schools.

Focus: Bachelor's programmes
The University of Erfurt offers you a graduated study system. You first complete an undergraduate Bachelor's degree. This can be followed by a consecutive (postgraduate) or (e.g. after an appointment) a further education Master's programme.
All degree programmes are modular. Modules, in turn, are made up of sub-modules. Within these sub-modules, specific courses are offered, such as lectures and seminars. The time required for study is expressed in credit points according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (LP/ECTS). The expected workload corresponds to a 40-hour week in the semester, including statutory holidays.
Catholic Theology
Theology + X = Your studies at the University of Erfurt!

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Focus: Master's programmes
The University of Erfurt offers Master's programmes that are academically in-depth and teacher training-related, as well as a further education Master of Public Policy. The standard period of study in all cases is 4 semesters, i.e. 2 years. The master's programmes each comprise 120 LP/ECTS.
Focus: And after the Bachelor or Master?
Founders Service at the University of Erfurt
Start-up advice - ideas get structure
Our vision - The "Social Impact Campus": We want to promote innovative, responsible and intercultural action with a Social Start-up Campus at the University of Erfurt. The combination of sustainable and scalable business brings financial, ecological and ethical benefits into harmony.
Promotion of the academic career
Career paths
The expansion of career paths for academic graduates and for academic employees before, during and after the doctorate and the promotion of academics at all career levels is an explicit goal of the University of Erfurt. The corresponding career options and academic personnel development measures either support the professional (further) development as a scientist and the improvement of appointments or serve to qualify for professional tasks outside the university.
Funding before the doctorate
Graduates who wish to pursue a doctorate can be supported in their preparation for the doctorate phase. So-called predoc or doctorate preparation scholarships are awarded with the aim of preparing an exposé for the doctoral project and obtaining funding for the planned doctorate. Furthermore, budget-financed or third-party financed positions are advertised for academic employees at the university, the requirements of which include a willingness to do a doctorate.

Focus: Language learning & language requirements
The Language Centre offers around 140 language courses per semester in 16 modern and ancient (foreign) languages. It supports you in acquiring new language skills and improving existing ones, for example English, French, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Spanish, Turkish and Russian. In addition, depending on demand and staff availability, other languages are offered, such as Chinese, Polish, Czech, Modern Greek, Arabic and Ivrit.
In addition to foreign languages, the Language Centre also offers a specific programme of courses in speech training and the associated teaching of rhetorical skills.
Get to know us!
Presentation of the Language Centre
Video presentation of the Language Centre

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Focus: Study & internship abroad
You want to go abroad for one or two semesters during your studies? ERASMUS+, for example, offers you the opportunity to study in another country and thus expand your social and intercultural competences in addition to your professional skills. The International Office will be happy to advise you on the subject of studying & doing an internship abroad.
Get to know us!
Video presentation of the International Office

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Focus: University library as a place of learning
Our libraries - Erfurt University Library and Gotha Research Library - combine new beginnings and tradition. With their modern information and media holdings and historical collections, they support research, teaching and study at the University of Erfurt. In addition, they make their historical collections and special holdings available to national and international research.
As the "central laboratory of the humanities", today's university library was opened in 2000. Its holdings span 750,000 volumes on open shelves and 400,000 volumes on stacks. The university library unites media from all subject areas under one roof and offers sufficient space for reading and working.
Get to know us!
Video presentation of the Erfurt University Library

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Focus: Lernwerkstatt as a place of learning
A variety of teaching-learning formats are offered here: Learning workshop seminars from different subject areas and didactics as well as informal formats such as workshops, film evenings, projects by students for students. And during the free opening hours, student teachers can study there on their own.
Podcast #Workshop Talks

Focus: Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk)
The Studierendenwerk is responsible for the economic, social and cultural support of students at the state universities in the Free State of Thuringia and thus makes an important contribution to an optimal study environment.
In Erfurt, the Studierendenwerk offers a wide range of services:
From daily supplies in the cafeterias and dining halls to the provision of rooms and flats, comprehensive support with student financing, social counselling services, childcare and support for cultural projects.
To the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk)

Focus: Student financing
The Office of Student Financial Aid of the Studierendenwerk is, among other things, the contact for questions regarding the financing of studies. As a major source of funding for studies, BAföG is a particularly attractive form, as it only has to be repaid to a small extent.
An online application via www.bafoeg-digital.de makes the application process much easier and can contribute to a quick decision on the application. All data entered is also checked for completeness. So if you have not yet submitted an application, it is best to do so immediately. You can receive funding from the beginning of the semester.

Focus: Housing
The Studierendenwerk manages eleven residential homes in Erfurt and offers students attractive and well-equipped accommodation. The rents are particularly attractive - they are affordable (on average 250 euros per month) and include all operating costs including water, electricity and heating costs.
Most of the flats are furnished and well connected to the universities' data networks. Caretakers are quickly on site for repairs, among other things. Anyone interested can get an overview of the residential homes online. Some places are still available.
Focus: Studying with child(ren)
Balancing studying and raising children is a particular challenge for student parents. The University of Erfurt has therefore set itself the goal of providing the best possible support for mothers and fathers bringing up children.
The flexible childcare "Räuberhöhle" is a facility of the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk) and the University of Erfurt. Here, students and employees have the opportunity to have their children aged between twelve weeks and seven years looked after by the hour. The day care centre "Campus-Kinderland" is located directly on campus in the Max-Kade-Haus. The facility offers care for 80 children from the age of 1.
Focus: University sports
The Universitätssportverein Erfurt e.V. (USV) provides the entire range of university sports for students and employees at the University of Erfurt and the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt. With more than 150 courses in over 80 types of sport, USV Erfurt offers a very wide variety for sporting activity on a grassroots basis. Many of these events take place in the sports hall or the beach volleyball court on campus.
In addition to classic ball sports such as football, basketball and volleyball, the range also includes sports such as karate, climbing, floorball, ultimate frisbee and trampolining. But fitness and health courses such as Aroha, back school and yoga are also on the programme and are enjoying growing enthusiasm.
Events on the HIT
Presentation of the USV Erfurt
Video presentation of the Universitätssportverein e.V.

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Even more university groups, student initiatives and student communities...
Studying is more than just attending lectures and learning. In the numerous university groups you can meet new people, get involved in student issues and take on responsibility. The university groups, student initiatives and student communities present themselves at the Market of Opportunities at the start of the semester.
Join in, get involved and learn for life...
Overview of university groups on the University of Erfurt website
Brochure university groups at the University of Erfurt (pdf)
360 degree tour of the campus

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IGTV Campus Tour with Hannah

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The University of Erfurt is a campus university. Unlike many other universities, teaching and administrative buildings as well as important service and research facilities are not spread throughout the city, but are concentrated on the university campus and can therefore be reached quickly. Follow us on our digital walk ...
On the road with Veronique Sophie & Madame Tamtam

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IGTV Erfurt Tour with Hannah

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student advice and counselling
by telephone: Monday to Friday 9-11:30 a.m.
Information for parents

You are about to graduate from high school or have (almost) done so. Now comes the next step on the path to professional life. Study in Erfurt, for example. But this needs to be well planned. As parents, you naturally want to support your child in their orientation and probably have many questions. Don't worry: the University of Erfurt is at your side! Together with our experts from student advice and counselling and with mentors who accompany our students on their way to a Bachelor's or Master's degree.