Founders Service, Studies

Choice of legal form for founders

4. Feb 2025, 1.00 pm - 2.30 pm
StarTH Now
StarTH - Thuringian university start-up network in cooperation with the neudeli start-up workshop (Bauhaus University Weimar) and the "Social Impact Campus" Founders Service (University of Erfurt)
Raphael Fischer (Lawyer)
Event type
Event Language(s)
open to the university public

Workshop in german with Raphael Fischer (lawyer) as part of the "StarTH Now" event series

Information from the organisers

Raphael Fischer, accredited business consultant at RKW Thüringen GmbH and specialised lawyer for construction and architectural law, will give you an overview of the various legal forms and their advantages and disadvantages. You will learn which factors - such as liability or start-up capital - play a role in the choice and how to select the right legal form for your start-up idea.

The workshop will take place virtually - take part from the comfort of your own home!
Click here to register:

StarTH Now" workshop series

Whether you are just starting out or are already in the middle of your start-up - in the monthly StarTH Now workshops we provide you with knowledge and skills to drive your start-up idea forward!
Always on the first Tuesday of the month at 13:00.

What is theStarTH network? The Thuringian university start-up network StarTH connects the start-up advice centres of the Thuringian universities and creates a central platform for students, academics and graduates interested in starting a business. The start-up advice centres offer comprehensive advice and coaching services - from initial advice to individual support in all phases of the start-up process and in obtaining funding.

Information on the entire event series