| Erfurt School of Education, Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät, SPF Bildung. Schule. Verhalten., Forschung

Anthology "Diagnostik und pädagogisches Handeln zusammendenken" published

An anthology with contributions from science and practice has now been published under the title "Diagnostik und pädagogisches Handeln zusammendenken" (Thinking together diagnostics and pedagogical action). It was produced as part of the work of the Competence and Development Center for Inclusion, a QUALITEACH subproject at the University of Erfurt.

The articles published in this volume are based on the experiences and results of symposia for development and learning. The volume integrates the presentations of the past years. The authors present diagnostic basics and pedagogical possibilities for action in the areas of language and communication as well as emotional and social development and make it possible to delve deeper into a topic through more theoretical contributions. Practice-oriented contributions give suggestions for one's own actions. The contributions are supplemented by further literature recommendations.

The book invites readers to think about diagnostics and pedagogical action together and to discover their mutual relationship from both a scientific and a practical perspective. It is aimed primarily at practitioners from various professional groups in daycare centers and schools.

Felix Piegsda, Katja Bianchy, Pierree-Carl Link, Cedric Steinert and Susanne Jurkowski
Diagnostik und pädagogisches Handeln zusammendenken (Thinking together diagnostics and pedagogical action)
Schneider publishing house Hohengehren, 2022
ISBN: 978-3-8340-2196-0
360 pages
32 EUR
