| Centre for Transcultural Studies

MDR broadcasts Digitization Project on the Perthes Collection Gotha

In the report of July 23, 2022, the project "Cartographies of Africa and Asia (1800–1945). A Project for the Digitization of Maps of the Perthes Collection Gotha" is featured.

[Translate to English:] Admasu_Abebe_Haile_Sammlung Perthes

Jan Peisker, staff member of the Perthes Collection, Admasu Abebe Haile (Madda Walabu University), Herzog-Ernst fellow at the Centre for Transcultural Studies, and Claudia Berger, research associate at the project, have their say and explain in a few short words the special significance of the holdings of the Perthes Collection for historical cartographic research and the role of the digitization project for the international exposure of the collection. The project is being undertaken jointly by the Centre for Transcultural Studies and the Perthes Collection (Gotha Research Library). In the course of the project, approximately 35,000 sheets of cartographic material will be digitized, which can be accessed via the Digital Historical Library Erfurt/Gotha. In addition, a blog provides information about the project.

Report “Kartenarchiv in Gotha wird zugänglich gemacht” (German)​​​​​​​

Image: Admasu Abebe Haile researches a historical map in the Perthes Collection, © MDR 2022

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Wissenschaftskommunikation beim BMBF-Projekts "Kartographien Afrikas und Asiens (1800–1945). Ein Digitalisierungsprojekt zur Sammlung Perthes Gotha (KarAfAs)"
(Centre for Transcultural Studies / Perthes Collection)
CG2 – Pagenhaus / CG2.00.05b