| Forschungszentrum Gotha, Philosophische Fakultät, SPF Wissen. Räume. Medien., Forschung

New publication: "Karten–Meere. Eine Welterzeugung."

Oceans overwhelm by their size alone. They produce a flood of almost inexhaustible amounts of data. It is the task of maps to tame this flood. They make it possible to see at a glance what is threatening to dissolve in the abundance of individual observations, to plan and navigate routes, and also create escape routes for fantasies of another life, of idyll, exoticism, and adventure.

A new book under the title "Karten-Meere. Eine Welterzeugung" invites the reader to read maps as documents of a world production and presents a series of literary and non-literary texts, which in turn undertake the experiment of reading maps: by making their narratives emerge from maps or continue them where the maps end; by telling of the longings and fantasies that have inscribed themselves on the maps or that can arise from looking at or finger-joining maps; by celebrating the reliability of maps or letting lofty fantasies fail because of unpredictable reefs and icebergs.

The book by Wolfgang Struck, Iris Schröder, Felix Schürmann and Elena Stirtz from the University of Erfurt is part of the joint project „Karten–Meere. Für eine Geschichte der Globalisierung vom Wasser aus“

Wolfgang Struck, Iris Schröder, Felix Schürmann und Elena Stirtz
Karten–Meere. Eine Welterzeugung
Wiesbaden: Corso Verlag, 2020
EAN: 978-3-7374-0763-2
192 pages
20 EUR