| Interne Serviceseiten, URMZ, Service

Service websites for Microsoft 365 expanded

Due to numerous enquiries from university members, especially students, about the conversion of Microsoft licences to personal licences, the University Computer and Media Center (URMZ) has once again expanded its service pages on this topic.

The FAQ section now also contains answers to questions about problems after switching from the old M365 client (@TechnischeUnivers049.onmicrosoft.com) to the new M365 client (@uni-erfurt.de) as well as further help – separately for Mac and Windows. The use of the SaRA tool is also described in detail there and supplemented with pictures. Please take note.


IT Service Desk
IT Service Desk
Service area
(University Computer and Media Centre)
C21 - Centre for Communication and Information (KIZ) / Room 0.11
Office hours
Opening hours (lecture-free period):
Service desk:
Mon-Thu: 9am-11am and 1pm-3pm; Fri: 9am-11am
Service hotline:
Mon-Thu: 8am-12pm and 1pm-4pm; Fri: 8am-12pm

(otherwise Mon-Thu: 7.45am-12.15pm and 1-5pm, Fri: 7.45am-12.15pm and 1-4pm)