| Philosophische Fakultät, Forschung

New publication: „Mensch Opa, du bist noch so fit!“

Nomos has just published a new book in which Paula Stehr, Constanze Rossmann, Johanna Geppert, Hanna Lütke Lanfer and Tabea Kremer from the University of Erfurt focus on the development of an evidence-based communication strategy to promote physical activity among older and very old people in Germany.

Physical activity is an important component of healthy ageing - a topic that is becoming increasingly relevant to society due to demographic change and rising life expectancy. In order to promote physical activity in the long term, awareness of the influence of physical activity on health and interest in exercise among older and very old people must be increased. The book now published creates an evidence-based basis for the design of effective and efficient communication measures. Using a combination of methods including guideline-based interviews and a standardized telephone survey, the decisive behavioral determinants and health information behavior of people aged 65 and older in Germany were identified. On this basis, an evidence-based communication strategy was formulated for older and very old people in Germany as a whole and for particularly vulnerable sub-target groups.

Paula Stehr, Constanze Rossmann, Johanna Geppert, Hanna Lütke Lanfer and Tabea Kremer
„Mensch Opa, du bist noch so fit!“
Entwicklung einer evidenzbasierten Kommunikationsstrategie zur Förderung körperlicher Aktivität bei älteren und hochaltrigen Menschen in Deutschland
Series: Gesundheitskommunikation | Health Communication (21)
Nomos, 2020
ISBN 978-3-8487-6561-4
122 pages
26 EUR