| Interne Serviceseiten, Forschung, Service, Studium

URKUND replaces plagiarism detection software Ephorus

Up to now, the University of Erfurt has used the Ephorus software to detect plagiarism. Now the license has expired and will be replaced in the future by the software URKUND via a framework agreement of SAGS licenses.

At present, URKUND can only be used functionally via WISEflow, where it is also permitted under data protection law. URKUND runs as a cloud application and can therefore not be installed locally. Before we can offer it outside WISEflow for all teachers, the data protection regulations must be processed and fulfilled.

For handling: Colleagues/teachers must be registered in WISEflow. If this has not yet been done, please register by e-mail to vpsul@uni-erfurt.de . Then the flow type "FLOWassign" must be created, the corresponding students must be assigned. Afterwards, the students can store the PDF files there, which are then automatically checked with URKUND and a text similarity report is provided.

Colleagues can also get support from the Task Force Digital Teaching via the moodle room Online Teaching Summer Term 2020 or via email: vpsul@uni-erfurt.de.

The following links are also available in the WISEflow Knowledge Base:

