Faculty of Philosophy Education, School, and Behaviour

Subproject UniSchulPlattform

Sub-project in the project "Forschungscampus digitale Lehrer*innenbildung". The UniSchoolPlatform is an experimental learning platform for students and university lecturers as well as pupils and teachers at partner schools of the University of Erfurt.

01/2020 - 12/2024

Thüringer Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitale Gesellschaft (TMWWDG)

Project management

Main project

Related projects

DigiLernLab Prof. Dr. Gerd Mannhaupt,
Prof. Dr. Sandra Tänzer
Video.LinK Jun.-Prof. Dr. Bernadette Gold,
(apl.) Prof. Dr. Heike Hahn

The UniSchoolPlatform fulfils the following functions:

  • Space for the development and academic evaluation of digital learning opportunities for cross-phase teacher education.
  • Bundling of research results on digital teacher education
  • Provision of content on digital teacher education in Open Educational Resources (OER) in cooperation with the sub-project  Kompetenznetzwerk digitale fachbezogene Lehrer* innenbildung (QUALITEACH)

Further information can be found on the project website on the pages of the Faculty of Philosophy.


Cooperation partner

Thüringer Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport (TMBJS)

Thüringer Institut für Lehrerfortbildung, Lehrplanentwicklung und Medien (ThILLM)

Staatliche Seminare für die Lehramtsausbildung

Netzwerk aus (Praktikums-)Schulen der Universität Erfurt

Profile field