Studentin beim Eye-Tracking an der Uni Erfurt
Bachelor programme

Degree Profile

Begin of study
winter semester
6 semester
Academic degree
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
full time and part time
Faculty of Education
Tuition fee
semester contribution only
Admission restriction
restricted admission
Special admission requirements
Nebenfach zulassungsfrei (ohne NC)
Dual-subject Bachelor
major and minor subject
Teaching language

Course Details

In the major and minor subject of Teaching, Learning and Training Psychology you describe and explain the teaching and learning processes and how they change over time.

In doing so, you will consider individual, social, cultural and economic conditions for teaching and learning. After your studies, you will be able to design teaching processes in such a way that each individual can learn optimally. You will acquire knowledge, methodological skills and job-related action orientation in non-clinical areas.

The course of study is based on the knowledge and methods of the:

  • general psychology,
  • differential psychology,
  • developmental psychology,
  • social psychology,
  • organizational psychology.

In addition, the following concepts, methods and findings are taught:

  • instructional psychology,
  • pedagogical-psychological diagnostics,
  • educational psychology,
  • Business Psychology.

Particular attention is paid to diagnostic, decision-making, communication and teaching/learning processes.

Job & Career Perspectives

Our graduates are active in these professional fields:

  • in psychological development diagnostics,
  • in early intervention in the first years of life,
  • in the planning and implementation of intervention and training measures
  • in school psychological diagnostics for aptitude questions and school performance problems,
  • in vocational and in-company education and training, further education and adult education,
  • in personnel planning and organisational design.

However, the course does not qualify students for clinical-psychological activities or postgraduate studies. In particular, the course of study does not allow for training in the direction of a license to practice psychotherapy.

Teaching, Learning and Training Psychology in Detail

Structure of the study programme

The bachelor's degree course at the University of Erfurt comprises a major and a minor subject (two-subject bachelor's degree) as well as the fundamental course of study. It aims to impart specialist content and occupational field orientation as well as interdisciplinary skills. The standard period of study is six semesters.

Orientation Phase (First Year)

  • Statistics in psychology
  • Psychological research methodology
  • Developmental psychological foundations of teaching and learning
  • General psychological principles of teaching and learning
  • Differential aspects of learning and development
  • Social psychology of learning and teaching

Qualification Phase (Second/Third Year)

  • Methodological applications
  • Extended psychological basics of teaching and learning
  • Psychological Diagnostics
  • Theory and practice of psychological diagnostics
  • Educational Psychology
  • Economic and organisational psychology
  • Empirical research project

Students of the major complete an empirical-psychological internship and an empirical research project, in the context of which the bachelor thesis is written.


The major and minor subjects differ in terms of the content and scope of the course. In the major subject a Bachelor thesis is written.

Examinations regulations major and minor Teaching, Learning and Training Psychology

Possible combinations

At the University of Erfurt, you will study a major and a minor subject (two-subject bachelor) in the bachelor's program. You may have to observe combination rules.

Combination rule:

  • Teaching, Learning and Training Psychology can be combined with all fields of study.

Online-Tool Studimat

The STUDIMAT supports you in combining the major with the minor subject. Try it out now!

Study abroad

Study abroad

A semester abroad in an English speaking country is strongly recommended. The International Office will be happy to assist you in organizing your stay abroad.

Study abroad


Internships during studies

  • Interdisciplinary Internship for Vocational Field

Admissions qualification

Studying with Abitur

  • general qualification for university entrance or the subject-related higher education entrance qualification or a comparable previous education

General information on the admission requirements (study without Abitur):

Language requirements

Language requirements during studies

  • German: Upon application, international applicants must prove German language skills at level B1.

Language Centre

The Language Centre (Sprachenzentrum) offers around 140 language courses per semester in 16 modern and ancient (foreign) languages. It supports you in acquiring and deepening your language skills.

International applicants

International applicants whose native language is not German must provide proof of sufficient German language skills (level B1) upon application.

Information on required German language skills and the German language test for university admission (DSH):

Language and Admission Requirements 

Admission limitation

Admission limitation

Only a limited number of study places are available for the main field of study teaching, learning and training psychology (internal university admissions restriction, numerus clausus). The number of places is determined anew for each winter semester.

The places are allocated in an admission procedure according to the following criteria:

  • Average grade of the university entrance qualification [HZB] (20% of places),
  • Supplementary university selection procedure (60% of places; the only underlying criterion: average grade of the HZB),
  • Waiting time (20% of seats).

The minor field of study teaching, learning and training psychology is admission free (without NC).

Master Programmes

After the Bachelor at the University of Erfurt

Master programme Health Communication

Master programme Psychology

Open Day & Discovery Days

Studierende am Info-Punkt bei den Schnuppertagen
Open Day

Open Day

Numerous information and advisory services offer you the opportunity to see the study and living conditions in Erfurt for yourself at the open day. Get to know the green campus and the beautiful old town centre on guided tours. Information on the program: Open Day

Discovery Days

The discovery days at the University of Erfurt mean experiencing "studying up close". Within a week (on as many days as you like) you can attend selected courses (lectures or seminars) and get a taste of campus life. Information and program: Discovery Days

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Apply now!

The major subject in Teaching, Learning and Training Psychology is admission-restricted (with NC). The minor subject is admission-free (without NC).

Application for the two-subject Bachelor's degree:

When combining the admission-free minor inTeaching, Learning and Training Psychology (without NC) with a admission-free major (without NC), you can enrol directly from May 1 to September 15.

Enrol now for Teaching, Learning and Training Psychology!

If you wish to combine the admission-restricted major subject of Teaching, Learning and Training Psychology (with NC) with an admission-free minor subject (without NC) or another admission-restricted minor field of study (with NC), please apply from May 1 to July 15 via the following link

This also applies to the combination of the Teaching, Learning and Training Psychology minor subject (without NC) with a major (with NC).

Apply now for Teaching, Leraning and Training Psychology!

For international students


Want to study one semester or year at the University of Erfurt?

Exchange Studies

You come from abroad and are interested in studying for a Bachelor's or Master's degree at the University of Erfurt?

Degree Seeking Students

Consulting & Service

Student advice and counselling

Studienfachberater Bachelor Lehr-, Lern- und Trainingspsychologie
(Faculty of Education)
C23 – staff building 1 / room 806
Office hours
Sprechstunde (auch online, via Webex) im Sommersemester 2024:

Dienstags 12:00-14:00 Uhr, bitte per Mail anmelden!
Profile page

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