Please note:
The event will be held in German. The topic of the discussion is: "The limits of evidence - How can good research communication prevent false conclusions and overgeneralisations?"
Please note:
The event will be held in German. The topic of the discussion is: "The limits of evidence - How can good research communication prevent false conclusions and overgeneralisations?"
Scientific recommendations to society and policymakers should be based on the results of good and verifiable research (evidence). There is widespread agreement on this. For example, there is clear scientific evidence that climate change is man-made and that globules are ineffective. In other areas, such as human behaviour, this is often not the case. Scientists use different methods and deal with different causes of human behaviour. It is therefore not surprising that the findings are confusing and sometimes ambiguous. The significance of scientific recommendations therefore also depends on the decision as to which studies and findings are selected. How should evidence ideally be selected? What errors can occur in the process? How can it be ensured that the significance of certain factors for the application is not over- or underestimated? The current round of "Climate Connect" is dedicated to these questions and their significance for political decisions.
The event will take place online and will be broadcast live in teaching building 1 / room 118. However, you can also join in via your respective devices.