| Philosophische Fakultät, Forschung

New publication: "Riskante Substanzen"

Under the title "Riskante Substanzen. Der 'War on Drugs' in den USA (1963-1992)" a new book by Timo Bonengel has been published by Campus Verlag, based on his dissertation at the History Department of the University of Erfurt.

The debate on drug use and how to combat it is booming. Timo Bonengel traces the history of drug policy in the USA, which in the 1980s changed from welfare state strategies to a conservative social policy based on deterrence and punishment. The book shows that the "War on Drugs" was also conducted with the help of scientific experts* and yet discriminated against ethnic minorities and poor people. The study thus raises the problem of demands for a science-based and therefore supposedly fair drug policy.


Timo Bonengel
Riskante Substanzen. Der „War on Drugs“ in den USA (1963-1992)
Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/New York 2020.
ISBN: 9783593511726
433 pages
45 EUR