| Faculty of Philosophy, Personalia

Nils Plath appointed Distinguished Max Kade Visiting Professor

Dr Nils Plath, research associate at the Chair of General and Comparative Literature at the University of Erfurt, has been appointed Distinguished Max Kade Visiting Professor by the German Department of Brown University (USA) for spring 2022.

This prestigious award goes to Dr Plath, a literary scholar with a proven interdisciplinary-comparative orientation, with a pronounced interest in critical questions, including in cultural studies, and in fundamental contemporary literary theory formation, to which he has contributed with his own essays. A large number of essays in specialist journals and anthologies, a monograph on Kafka, Beckett, Adorno and Derrida and editorships of relevant anthologies on quotations, on urban and travel literature and on punctuation marks have also brought him international attention for his research work.

Nils Plath has been employed at the University of Erfurt since 2014, where he previously completed his doctorate. He most recently held the substitute professorship for General and Comparative Literature (2021) and is a member of a number of interdisciplinary research groups at the University of Erfurt. Plath will offer two seminars reflecting long-term research interests during his time at Brown University from February to May 2022: "Crime Scene Germany" (undergraduate) and "This is Us in Language: Mother Tongues, Fatherland, and I" (graduate).


As one of the eight Ivy League universities, Brown University is one of the leading universities in the world. The German Department there is one of the top German departments in the USA.

The Max Kade Foundation is a private foundation based in New York that aims to promote academic exchange by enabling selected universities in the USA to establish Max Kade Visiting Professorships.

further information / contact:

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Professur für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft
(Literary Studies)
C23 – staff building 1 / room 408