Knowledge, Spaces, and Media Faculty of Philosophy

Digital Portal "Ungarndeutsches Zweisprachigkeits- und Sprachkontaktkorpus" (UZSK)

The subject matter is a multilingual culture with specific structures of expression and patterns of use of German. In terms of content, the project is to be placed within the framework of diatopically oriented variational linguistics (keyword: Regionalsprachen- bzw. Sprachdynamikforschung - regional language or language dynamics research) on the one hand, and within that of bi- or multilingualism research and contact linguistics on the other.

09/2015 - 03/2019

Kulturstaatsministerin für Kultur und Medien (BKM) :
89 000 Euro

Project management

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Csaba Földes
Holder of the professorship for German philology (Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft) (Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft)

The subject matter is a multilingual culture with specific structures of expression and patterns of use of German. 

In terms of content, the project is to be placed within the framework of diatopically oriented variational linguistics (keyword: Regionalsprachen- bzw. Sprachdynamikforschung - regional language or language dynamics research) on the one hand, and within that of bi- or multilingualism research and contact linguistics on the other. For its implementation, corpus linguistics is also added. On the one hand, it is aimed at the variational and contact linguistic research of Hungarian-German oral discourses in the interactive everyday life of communication and, on the other hand, at the creation of a digital portal with a Hungarian-German bilingualism and language contact corpus (Ungarndeutsches Zweisprachigkeits- und Sprachkontaktkorpus - UZSK) as main goal.

Accordingly, the UZSK will provide authentic spoken language material from several important settlement regions of German minorities - the so-called Donauschwaben (Danube Swabians) - which vividly represents the contemporary Hungarian-German contact varieties in all their diversity.