FAQ for the start of studies

Your questions, our answers

Around the STET

Do I need to prepare for the STET?

Of course, a lot of new things await you at the beginning of your studies, but don't be intimidated! The Student Orientation Days are designed to help you get started and your tutors and everyone involved want to support you.

To get off to the best possible start, you should do the following before the Student Orientation Days:

Activate your e-mail account (e-mails from the university and your tutors).
Activate your university account (Univeral-Login for E.L.V.I.S., Moodle & Wlan...)
Validate your student identity card (thoska) on campus and top it up with money.
Save & read study and examination regulations

Digital teaching with Moodle & Webex

Digital events at the University of Erfurt take place with the video conferencing system Webex. Use the "Join test meeting" function to familiarise yourself with the Webex video conferencing system. It is also advantageous to install the Webex app.

Join test meeting

Download the Webex meeting app

Still a little confused? Don't panic, your tutors will help you here too.

Do I have to go to the STET opening events of the major and minor?

No, you must only attend the STET opening event of the faculty where your major is located.

You can find the times of the opening events on the Student Orientation Days page.

Do I have to draw up my timetable before starting my studies or the STET?

During the STET, your tutors will support you in working out your timetable for the first semester. Of course, it doesn't hurt to take a look at the course catalogue in advance. In order to be able to plan your studies optimally, you should also have a printout of your examination and study regulations with you during the STET. You will need your study regulations again and again during your studies, so just print them out or save them.

to the examination regulations

This is how you create your timetable:

  1. First of all, you have to find out in the examination regulations of your chosen major and minor subjects which modules you have to pass in order to successfully complete the orientation phase. This is specified within the examination regulations in the paragraph on the "Gliederung des Studiums" (usually § 4 or 5).

  2. Which conditions (passing rules) you have to fulfil in order to successfully complete a module can be found in the module descriptions, which are attached to the examination regulations.

  3. If you know which modules you want and have to complete, now select the courses assigned to these modules under "Meine Kurse" and transfer them to your timetable with the module identifier (e.g. M01#01).

I don't have a flat yet, can I use a workspace on campus?

On campus you will find quiet workplaces (marked on the pocket map) that you can use.

Instructions for setting up wifi

pocket map

Study organisation

Where do I get my matriculation certificate?

You can download and print out the matriculation certificates online via student portal. It has been agreed with the BAföG office that this certificate is also valid as a certificate according to § 9 BAföG. To log in, please use the user name and password (Uni account) that was sent to you with your enrolment documents.

Information on the Uni account

When does the semester start or when do I have to be at the university?

The semester officially begins on 1 October. From this day on, you are a student at the University of Erfurt. However, you must first come to the University for the Student Orientation Days (STET). The lecture period begins after the STET.

to the semester calendar

Where do I get the access data for my university email box and how can I set up the account?

After enrolment, your user data for the university account (University of Erfurt e-mail address, your user name and the initial password) are available to you on the start page in the applicant portal.

The initial password must first be changed for unrestricted use of the services of the University Computer and Media Centre (URMZ). The change is made via the URMZ user portal. Only then is your university account active.

As soon as you have activated your university account by changing the initial password, you can also use it to log in to the applicant/student portal. Your previous access data (applicant account) will only be available as a temporary login after enrolment.


here are terminals in the foyer of the KIZ where password changes can be made.

Information on activating and contacting the University Computer and Media Centre (URMZ)

E-mail account for students

How do I know if I have to take language placement tests?

All first-year students with a Bachelor's major or minor in English and American Studies, Romance Studies or Slavic Studies must take language placement tests before or during the STET. For other subjects for which language requirements have to be met, you may also be required to take a placement test. On the pages of the Language Centre you will find all the information about the tests.

Prospective students of the International Relations programme can find detailed information on language requirements and placement tests on the website of their faculty.

Information on placement tests for taking language courses

Information for students of the BA programme "International Relations"

I have moved to Erfurt. How can I notify my new address?

Have you moved? You can change your new contact details yourself in the student portal via the quick link ‘My contact details’.

All about the student identity card (thoska)

When and how do I get my student identity card (thoska)?

After your matriculation (registration and payment of semester fees), you will receive from us by post:

  • Your student identity card (thoska) as well as information on the study introduction days (STET) and E.L.V.I.S. (Erfurt Course Information System), in which you will be able to view your seminar attendance and grades in the future.) 

Please understand that the personalised student ID cards have to be produced first and may take a few days to be sent.

From when is my student card valid? (Validation)

Before using your thoska for the first time, you must validate it for the first semester. It is best to do this on your first visit to campus. There is a thermal strip on the front of the card which is erased each time it is validated and is printed again with the current validity data and the semester ticket. At the same time, the new validity date is also set in the chip.

Validation is required

  • for the first time after matriculation and registration (already possible before the start of the semester)
  • and after each (successful) re-registration.

Validation is also necessary for the use of the semester ticket. This can be used from 1 October.

The locations of the validation stations on campus: Campus map of the University of Erfurt with information on the locations of the thoska devices

Can I take my bike with me free of charge with the semester ticket?

You can take your bicycle on the train free of charge. This is not possible free of charge on the tram or bus.

Where can I get my library card?

During the STET, you will of course also get to know the university library. But you don't necessarily have to wait for the STET to register there. By presenting your student identity card (thoska), you can activate your library account at the circulation desk at any time during opening hours.

Information on how to set up your library account

Can I make cashless payments with the student identity card (thoska)?

Payment in the cafeteria & dining hall

For cashless payment in the cafeteria and at the public multifunctional machines, the wallet of the thoska student identity card (thoska) must be topped up - "upgraded". Recharging machines for banknotes and EC cards are located in the cafeteria and the library (copy card machine).

During the Corona pandemic, payment in the cafeteria is only possible with the thoska.

Printing and copying

Printing at the public multifunctional machines requires registration of the thoska student identity card (thoska). Registration stations (PC with card reader) are located in the entrance area of the library and in the printer room on the ground floor KIZ. No registration is required for copying and printing from a USB stick.

Information on recharging

I have lost my student identity card (thoska). What can I do?

In case of loss or theft, you should have the card blocked immediately to prevent misuse by third parties. You can have your student identity card (thoska) blocked by e-mail from your university account to thoska@uni-erfurt.de or on site at the thoska office.

The following data is required for blocking by e-mail: matriculation number, surname, first name, date of birth.

You can only apply for a new student identity card (thoska) on site at the thoska office. A fee of 10 euros is charged for the new issue.

Information on the student identity card (thoska)

Can I validate my student identity card (thoska) outside regular opening hours?

In exceptional and emergency cases - e.g. when the vaild thoska is needed as access to the residential home - it is possible to go to the guard at the entrance. After showing your thoska, a guard will gladly allow you access to the administration building so that you can validate your thoska.

Around studies

How and when can I register for voluntary language courses and do I have to pay for the courses?

Online registration for the language courses starts at the earliest during the Student Orientation Days. There are sufficient spots for students who need to acquire English, French, Spanish or Russian skills for their studies. In addition to the language courses, the Language Centre offers other opportunities to learn a foreign language.

But don't take on too much in your first semester. Arrive at the university first, settle in and do what is absolutely necessary!

Information from the Language Centre

Information from the Language Centre on the Student Orientation Days

How can I register for the USV sports courses?

The University Sports Club (USV) is responsible for the entire range of university sports in Erfurt. You can register online for the USV courses in mid-October. You can find out about the courses and register as early as the beginning of October. Please note: Users with a valid university email address can immediately set up a login to book the sports courses.

Information from the Universitätssportverein Erfurt e.V. on registering for university sports

Does the university also offer courses on the topic of health?

Yes, company and student health management is very important to us. The offers are constantly being expanded. You can find an overview on our internal "Healthy University" website.

All about Housing & Financing (Studierendenwerk Thuringian)

How is the semester contribution composed?

  • Contribution for the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk)
  • Contribution to the Student Council of the University of Erfurt
  • Semester ticket for rail travel (regional trains in Thuringia)
  • Semester ticket for local transport (including VMT)
  • Fee for student ID card
  • Culture semester ticket

Further information on the semester contribution

Who is entitled to BAföG?

In principle, all students who do not have the financial means to support themselves during their education elsewhere are eligible.

Information on BAföG

Where can I apply for BAföG?

The Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk) is responsible for advising and processing applications for BAföG and advising on other financing options.

Information on BAföG

How do I find my BAföG contact?

The contacts are located in "Mitarbeitergebäude 1" on campus, in the Office for Student Support. You can find the right contact person by entering the first letter of your surname.

List of contact persons

Where can I find the BAfög application form?

You can find all the forms, such as the application for BAföG benefits, online at www.bafoeg-thueringen.de.

There you can also fill them out online. A significant advantage is that the application details are already checked for completeness and plausibility while you are filling them out.

You can also obtain printed copies of the forms from the Office of Student Financial Aid in "Mitarbeitergebäude 1" or from the Info-Punkt in the Glasbox cafeteria. Benefits can start at the earliest from the month of application and a new application is necessary every twelve months.

Where can I submit my BAföG application?

You can drop your BAföG application in the letterbox in "Mitarbeitergebäude 1". By the way, you can inform us of changes of address informally by e-mail.

How much education funding (BAföG) can I receive?

Students who no longer live with their parents can receive a maximum of 992 . For students with children, there is also a childcare allowance of €160 per child.

When will I receive the BAföG decision?

The date on which you will receive your BAföG decision depends on your application and the accompanying documents (approx. 4 weeks).

How much does a place in a hall of residence cost?

Rental prices range from 153 € to 304 € per place, with an average of 212 €. There are single rooms or single flats on offer. These are mostly fully furnished.

How long can I stay in the residential home?

You can live in the residential home during your entire standard period of study.

Where can I apply for a place in a hall of residence?

Apply online on the website of the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk) for a place to live. The application deadline for the winter semester is 1 April of the year in which the studies are to begin. For the summer semester it is 1 October of the previous year.

Online application for a place of residence

Are there still places available in the residential home?

From time to time there are still places available in the residential homes of the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk). You can find all the information here: Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk) housing places

I am arrive outside the office hours of the Studierendenwerk. How do I get a key card?

Especially at the start of the semester, it happens that students arrive on campus for the first time at weekends or in the late evening hours to move into their flat in the student hall of residence. In some residential homes, however, access is only possible with a valid student identity card (thoska). This means that the card, which is usually sent to you with your matriculation and registration, must first be validated. However, the buildings where the validation terminals are located (the Administration Building, the Communication and Information Centre, the University Library and the cafeteria) may already be closed at this time.

In these cases, please contact the security staff at the main entrance to campus. After showing your student identity card (thoska), a guard will gladly allow you to enter one of the buildings so that you can validate your thoska.

+++ Please note: In order to open the door to your dormitory room, your student identity card (thoska) must not only be validated, but the corresponding key function must also be installed. This is done by the caretaker responsible for your residential home, who will send you the relevant information by e-mail before you move in. If you are arriving at weekends or late in the evening, please contact the caretaker in advance so that the Studierendenwerk can send you a guest card with key function to tide you over. +++

Where can I find the canteen menu?

The canteen offers a variety of snacks, drinks and complete lunch dishes. This also includes vegan and vegetarian dishes.

Opening hours and menu Mensa Nordhäuser Straße

What support do students with children receive?

The University of Erfurt and the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk) are characterised by their family-friendliness. There are various offers for students with children:

  • Day care centre on the university campus
  • Flexible childcare at the university
  • Family-friendly accommodation
  • Free meals for infants
  • Child-friendly cafeterias and dining halls (play corner, children's plates, baby changing facilities)

What counselling services does the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk) offer?

  • General social counselling & psychosocial counselling (anonymous, confidentiality guaranteed)
  • Legal advice
  • Accident insurance (automatically insured as a student)
  • Job placement

Counselling offered by the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk)

What services do I get at the Info Point in the cafeteria?

  • the ISIC (International Student Identity Card), the international student card.
  • BAföG applications: Issuing and acceptance for forwarding to the Student Financing Department (no counselling!)
  • the child ID card for free lunch for students' children
  • Advice on flexible childcare
  • Information material from the Studierendenwerk (STW)
  • help in finding and arranging private rooms
  • publication of job offers on the internet

Opening hours of the Info-Punkt

Where can I apply for a cultural grant?

Would you like to implement a cultural project by students for students in Thuringia on your own, with fellow students or as an association? Then come to the Cultural Office of the Studierendenwerk for expert advice. In addition to organisational help, your ideas will also receive financial support, provided they meet the guidelines. Another point of contact is the Student Council of the University of Erfurt.

Cultural Office and Cultural Promotion

Student Council (Student Council)

More FAQ collections

FAQ zum Thema Bewerbung
FAQ on the subject of applications (only German) Collection of the most frequently asked questions about applications