Our study advisors will be happy to advise you on the following questions:
Course offerings, combination options, course contents, admission requirements, application, admission restriction/procedure, aptitude test procedures and aptitude tests.
In the following overview you will find your contact for the respective field of study (under function).
Bachelor fields of study A-K
Student advice and counselling English and American Studies (Faculty of Philosophy)
Studienfachberater Bachelor Evangelische Religion / Evangelische Religionslehre (Faculty of Education)
Studienfachberater Bachelor Erziehungswissenschaft (Faculty of Education)
Student advice Bacherlor Förderpädagogik (Faculty of Education)
Student advice and counselling Bachelor Germanistik (Faculty of Philosophy)
Antje SchedelStudienfachberaterin Bachelor Geschichtswissenschaft (Faculty of Philosophy)
Study Counsellor BA-International Relations (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Subject advice and counselling Bachelor Catholic Theology (Faculty of Catholic Theology)
Student Advisor Bachelor Communication Studies (Faculty of Philosophy)
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Stutz
Bachelor fields of study L-P
Studienfachberater Bachelor Lehr-, Lern- und Trainingspsychologie (Faculty of Education)
Studienfachberater Bachelor Staatswissenschaften – Management (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Marcus GirbertStudienfachberater Bachelor Mathematik (Faculty of Education)
Studienfachberaterin Bachelor Philosophie (Faculty of Philosophy)
Studienfachberaterin Bachelor Primarpädagogik/Primare und Elementare Bildung (Faculty of Education)
Study Advisor Bachelor Primary Education/Primary and Elementary Education (Faculty of Education)
Bachelor fields of study R-Z
Subject advice and counselling BA Economics, Law and Social Sciences (Legal Studies) (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Leonie DuckeStudent Advisor Bachelor Religious Studies (Faculty of Philosophy)
Studienfachberaterin Bachelor Romanistik (Französisch oder Spanisch) (Faculty of Philosophy)
Studienfachberater Bachelor Slawistik (Schwerpunkt Russisch) (Faculty of Philosophy)
Student Advisory Service Bachelor Social Sciences (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Subject advice and counselling Bachelor Physical Education (Faculty of Education)
Subject Advisor Bachelor Economics, Law and Social Sciences - Economics (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)