| Studies

Apply now for the last available places at the University of Erfurt!

The University of Erfurt can still allocate places in the fields of "Lehr-, Lern- und Trainingspsychologie" (teaching, learning and training psychology), "Förder- und Inklusionspädagogik" (support and inclusion education) as well as "Sport- und Bewegungspädagogik" (Sport and Physical Education // minor subject). Prospective students who would like to take up their studies in these degree programmes for the winter semester 2021/22 can take part in a so-called second lottery procedure and apply for this until 28 September.

The lottery procedure is open to all applicants who are in possession of a valid university entrance qualification (general or subject-specific university entrance qualification, no UAS entrance qualification!). Applicants who have already received a place at university can also participate. An already received study place will not be lost by participating in the lottery. Please note: For Sport and Physical Education, a certificate of having passed the aptitude test must also be submitted for enrolment. However, this can also have been taken at another university.

To apply for the lottery, please use the application for participation in the lottery. You will find the application form on our homepage as of September 30. Please fill it in and send it by email to studiumundlehre@uni-erfurt.de. After the drawing of lots, the notification of admission together with the declaration of acceptance for the study place will be sent to the address given in the application by post and in advance by email.

Once you have received your letter of admission, you must accept the study place of study with the attached declaration of acceptance within the set time limit (cut-off deadline). To do this, please send the signed declaration of acceptance including the other documents required for enrollment to the University of Erfurt, Department 1: Registrars' Office. You can retrieve your certificate of enrollment later on the E.L.V.I.S. portal. Together with your student card you will also receive a master data sheet.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Studierendenangelegenheiten (Dezernat 1: Studium und Lehre)
Student Affairs
(Department 1: Registrar‘s Office)
C02 – Verwaltungsgebäude / Ground floor (main entrance)