The jury - consisting of Professor Sandra Neumann, Jun.-Professor Bernadette Gold, Dr Nadine Böhme and Dr Anna Bredenbach – awarded the following papers from the final theses of the winter semester 2020/2021:
- Jonas Dammer: „Momente pädagogischer Förderung in besonderen Lebenssituationen – Eine qualitative Analyse der Aushandlung von Differenzen in der kindlichen Kompromissfindung“ (Moments of Pedagogical Support in Special Life Situations – A Qualitative Analysis of the Negotiation of Differences in Child Compromise)
- Nikolas Prinz: „Sekundärtraumata bei sonderpädagogischen Lehrkräften im Förderbereich emotional soziale Entwicklung – eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung des derzeitigen Zustandes in Deutschland durch die Erhebung und Auswertung eines quantitativen Fragebogens" (Secondary traumas among special needs teachers in the support area of emotional social development – a scientific investigation of the current state of affairs in Germany through the collection and evaluation of a quantitative questionnaire)
- Kristin Zeiske: „‘Draußenschule‘ als Besonderheit der schulischen Gestaltung – eine empirische Studie zu Sichtweisen der Akteure“ ('Outdoor school' as a special feature of school design – an empirical study of stakeholders' views)
Of the final year students of the summer semester 2021, the following were awarded:
- Sophie Gruber: „Geschlechtsspezifische Stereotype in der aktuellen Kinderliteratur – Analyse und konzeptionelle Überlegungen für einen gendersensiblen Literaturunterricht in der Grundschule" (Gender-specific stereotypes in current children's literature - analysis and conceptual considerations for gender-sensitive literature teaching in primary schools)
- Claudia Laß: „Belastungen durch Unterrichtsplanung bei angehenden Lehrkräften“ (Stresses and strains caused by lesson planning among trainee teachers)
- Romy Thalheim: „Die Rolle des Job Craftings für die Arbeitszufriedenheit von Lehrkräften“ (The role of job crafting for the job satisfaction of teachers)
"The students receive special recognition with this award and their performance – which is always associated with a high level of commitment and not infrequently with a pronounced resistance to crisis – is appropriately acknowledged," emphasises Professor Kathrin Dedering, former Director of Studies at ESE. "In addition, their work serves as a best-practice example for other students of how high-quality Master's theses are designed."