From the budget for gender equality measures of the Equal Opportunity and Family Office, it is possible for female doctoral scholars of the University of Erfurt to be reimbursed an additional 300€ per year for research costs.
Submit the application with the following documents in person or by mail to the Office for Equal Opportunity and Family Services (LG1/108):
The reimbursement conditions can be found in the document Information on Submitting a Claim for Reimbursement of Research-Related Travel and Material Expenses for female Doctoral Scholars (as of April 2023)
The form to be completed can be found in the document Application for Reimbursement of Research-Related Travel and Material Expenses for femal Doctoral Scholars (as of April 2023)
From the budget for gender equality measures of the Equal Opportunity and Family Office, research grants can now be paid to female research assistants - e.g. for conference travel, for researcher funds, data access, additional equipment, etc.
This year one can apply for support of up to 500€.
Informal applications with a breakdown of costs are accepted prior to travel via When applying for travel grants for conference travel, the certificate of acceptance of your own conference contribution must also be attached to the application.
If you are applying for publication grants, please refer to Circular No. 05/2022 - Publication Grants for Scientific Publications.
The interdisciplinary programme supports female doctoral students in the final phase of their doctorate and female postdocs in planning their individual career paths. During the twelve-month programme, the mentees network as peers and receive individual advice from experienced professors at Thuringian universities in group mentoring sessions. Mentees continue their education together in selected workshops. The programme is funded by the Thuringian Competence Network for Gender Equality.
In the current cohort of the programme (2022/23) 6 female scientists of the University of Erfurt are supported. to the news release.
Female doctoral and post-doctoral students at Thuringian universities can apply for the mentoring programme (2023/24) until 13.08.2023. Further information can be found here.
The Initialization scholarship is aimed at excellent female early career researchers who, after completing their doctorate, wish to draft a proposal for third-party funding to carry out an independently planned research project. The call for proposals is open. However, a connection of the research project to the University of Erfurt is expected. The doctorate or PhD thesis should not have been completed more than three years ago. The scholarship holders should already have distinguished themselves with scientific achievements and be striving for a career in science as well as independently planning a third-party funded project at the University of Erfurt or be significantly involved in an application for a larger third-party funded project at the University of Erfurt.
Monthly funding amount: 2,000 euros (plus supplements)
Funding period: max. 12 months
Announcement/application: For more information visit the website of the Research and Graduate Services department.
The career development scholarships will be awarded to excellent female academics who are experienced in the conduction of research projects and aim at a career as professor or even fulfill the requirements to gain professorial status. The advertised scholarships are intended to fund initial research projects that prepare larger undertakings, such as a habilitation or a third-party funded joint-project. According to the principles of gender equality, scholarships shall enable female postdoctoral researchers to increase their chances to gain professorial status. The tender has no thematic restrictions. Recipients are expected to cooperate for their research with other academics of the University of Erfurt.
Monthly funding amount: 1,600 euros (plus supplements) and up to 1,000 euro funds for research expenses per year
Funding period: max. 24 months
Call for proposals/Application: For more information visit the website of the Research and Graduate Services department.
The Initialization scholarship is aimed at excellent young female scientists who, after completing their doctorate, wish to draft a proposal for third-party funding to carry out an independently planned research project. The call for proposals is open. However, a connection of the research project to the University of Erfurt is expected. The doctorate or PhD thesis should not have been completed more than three years ago. The scholarship holders should already have distinguished themselves with scientific achievements and be striving for a career in science as well as independently planning a third-party funded project at the University of Erfurt or be significantly involved in an application for a larger third-party funded project at the University of Erfurt.
Monthly funding: 1,600 euros (plus supplements) plus funds for research costs of up to 1,000 euros per year.
Funding period: max. 12 months
Call for applications/Application: For more information visit the website of the Research and Graduate Services department.
German Youth Institute | research internships for students in the fields of children, adolescents, families and gender issues | application deadline: 31.10. and 30.04.
Hildegardis Verein | interest-free student loans for Christian women | application deadline: Dec. 31 and June 30.
ARD/ZDF - Förderpreis Frauen + Medientechnologie | Final Theses | Application Deadline: 01/31/2023
German Akademikerinnenbund e.V. | Printing Cost Grant/Travel Cost Grant | Application Deadline: 15.10. and 15.04.
German Academic Women's Association | Final Scholarship for Doctorate | Application deadline: 01.10.
The Equal Opportunity Advisory Board supports from the budget of the Equal Opportunity Officer up to three projects of early-stage researchers on gender topics. As a rule, projects are supported with up to 300€.
So far the following projects have been funded
Informal applications with details of the concept, cooperation partners and target groups, as well as a total cost breakdown and, if applicable, other sponsors can be submitted on an ongoing basis at
If you are applying for publication grants, please refer to Circular No. 05/2022 - Publication Grants for Scientific Publications.
PRIZE CALL "Diversity meets Science".
Prize for theses with gender and diversity perspectives
In contemporary research, the core dimensions of diversity play an important role in almost all disciplines: for example, when it comes to sociocultural notions of gender and sexuality in the humanities and social sciences, the inclusion of physical prerequisites of users in technology development, or individual needs of different age groups in early medical diagnosis and care.
In order to make this diversity of topics visible at Thuringia's universities and to promote young scientists, the Thuringian Competence Network for Gender Equality is offering the "Diversity Meets Science" award, which is endowed with €2,000, for the fifth time this year.
Applications are invited from graduates of all disciplines at Thuringian universities whose final thesis (bachelor's, master's, diploma, state examination or doctoral dissertation) takes a gender/diversity perspective and was submitted within the past two years (since 01.08.2020). The application was open until 21.08.2022.
Further information can be found here.
The Gender Research Network aims to create an interdisciplinary network of colleagues interested in gender, queer and diversity studies and to bring together cooperation partners for teaching and research projects. In addition to regular meetings twice a semester for workshops and lectures, networkers also meet in working groups. The exchange of information and literature takes place via our email distribution list and our SharePoint platform.
To register, please contact the Equal Opportunity Office: Equal Opportunity Office