Work, family and care

[Translate to English:] Mutter mit Neugeborenem
Maternity and parental leave Information for parents-to-be
Working hours, committee times and vacation Information about the family-friendly working day

Services for employees with children

Parent-child room at the University Library

Arbeitsraum für Eltern mit Kind an der Universität Erfurt

In the library there is a workroom for parents and their children. The room is equipped with a desk, terminal and WLAN access. For the kids there is a play corner with children's books, toys and furniture. A changing table is located on the ground floor. For more information about reservation and usage please visit the pages of the University Library.

Information Services
Contact: Antje Boon
(Erfurt University Library)
C16 – library / Servicetheke

Parent-child-sport in the University Sports Club ("USV")

[Translate to English:] Mutter und Tochter beim Sport

The USV offers a variety of sports courses especially for children with and without parental guidance. The courses are age-appropriate, take place in the afternoon hours and are partly free of charge. For further information and registration please visit the USV's children's sports website.

University Sports Club Erfurt e.V.
Children's Sports Department
Yvette Kozazyk
Nordhäuser Str. 63
D-99089 Erfurt
☎ +49 361 737-1823

Family-friendly canteen

Ein Kleinkind sitzt in einem Hochstuhl

High chairs are available for smaller children in the canteen. In addition, a "parent-child-area" invites children to play before, after or during lunch. A nappy-changing and nursing room offers a retreat for the care of the child.

Marie Krehan und Mirjam Triebe
(Student services organisation (Studierendenwerk))

Contact maintenance program of the Max-Weber-Kolleg ("MWK")

The Max-Weber-Kolleg (MWK) has developed a contact maintenance program to facilitate the re-entry after a family-related time out. You can find more detailed information on the MWK website under the keyword "Family Support". 

Offers that can be taken advantage of in a flexible manner include regular distribution of the university newsletter, invitations to events, information on further education opportunities or contact discussions with line managers.

The constantly updated web pages of the university provide an optimal independent information opportunity, which can be supplemented by personal exchange if interested. 

Managing Director
(Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies)
C19 – research building "Weltbeziehungen" / C19.00.26

Campus map and information flyer

Our campus plan for families with all relevant contact points and locations:
"Family-friendly campus plan" (pdf) to download

Families welcome: You can find all contacts, relevant offices and services for parents in the flyer "Family at the University".
"Family at the university" (pdf) to download

[Translate to English:] Kind mit Landkarte

Information for foreign parents

You are coming to the University of Erfurt as a guest researcher with family? The International Office at the University of Erfurt will be happy to advise you on all questions relating to the compatibility of family and career.


Eine junge Frau legt ihr Hand auf die einer älteren

Care of relatives

We are happy to support and advise you as well on the subject of care for relatives. With the "Company Care Case" you can get a comprehensive overview of the topic "Care in Thuringia". Bundled, clearly arranged and up-to-date, it offers those seeking advice important information and contacts. For further individual information please contact Department 2: Human Ressoruces. You can find all information about the company care kit at:



Office for Equal Opportunity and Family Services at the University of Erfurt
Teaching building 1, room 0008
☎ +49 361 737-5065

Counselling for employees

Department 2: Human Resources
Nordhäuser Straße 63
99089 Erfurt
Administration building, 1st floor
☎ +49 361 737-5250

Office hours:
Wednesday: 9 - 11 a.m.
Tuesday and Thursday: 9 - 11 a.m. and 1 - 3 p.m.