Lehrerin im Klassenzimmer
Master programme

Degree Profile

Begin of study
winter semester
4 semester
Academic degree
Master of Education (MEd Gr)
full time and part time
Erfurt School of Education
Tuition fee
semester contribution only
Admission restriction
no restricted admission
Teaching language
School subject
Social Studies and Science
Teacher relevance
Primary schools

Course Details

With the completion of the Master of Education Primary School, you acquire an application-oriented, scientific professional qualification for working as a primary school teacher. On the basis of a corresponding bachelor's degree, you will be prepared in the master's programme for the teaching qualification for:

  • the teaching subjects German, mathematics, subject teaching (basic subjects) and
  • a fourth subject (main subject) is prepared.

In doing so, you will gain knowledge about the social framework conditions of school and teaching on the one hand, and on the other hand you will develop competences that enable you to plan, carry out and reflect on subject- and school type-related processes of teaching and learning in a theory-based way. In addition, existing subject-related, didactic or educational science content in an optional area is supplemented and deepened on a scientific-theoretical level and the professional "self" is developed, among other things, through class observation, planning and implementation in the context of various internships.

Career Opportunities

Students in the Master of Education Primary school are mainly prepared for the job of a primary school teacher (primary school teacher).


Education for Primary Schools in Detail

Structure of study programme

The course of study, which comprises 120 credit points (LP), is divided into the following areas:

Educational science area (21 LP):

  • 6 LP in Diagnosis, Assessment and Counselling (incl. 3 LP in School Practical Studies)
  • 6 LP in education, classroom management and conflict management (incl. 3 LP in school practical studies)
  • 9 LP in heterogeneity and inclusion

Specialist didactic area (45 LP):

  • 9 LP in the basic subject German (incl. practical school studies)
  • 9 LP in the basic subject mathematics (incl. practical school studies)
  • 9 LP in the basic subject of subject teaching (incl. practical school studies)
  • 18 LP in the main subject (including practical studies at school)

Selection range (6 LP):

  • Election of a further module from the fields of educational science, subject science or subject didactics

Complex school internship (30 LP):

  • 15 weeks of school practice (15 LP) with accompanying courses, group supervision and reflection (15 LP) in the second year of the Master of Education

Master thesis (18 LP):

  • Preparation of an application-oriented Master's thesis in a basic subject, in a major subject or in the educational sciences


Didactic internships

  • a didactic internship in the selected basic subject
  • two didactic internships in the chosen major subject

more Information about didactic internships

Internships in educational science

  • Internship in the field of: Diagnosis, Assessment and Counselling
  • Internship in the field of: education, classroom management, conflict resolution

more Information about internships in educational science

Complex school internship

You have the opportunity to complete your Complex school internship (KSP) abroad as well, thus professionalizing your teaching profile. The team of the Internship Department will be happy to advise you on all matters concerning an internship abroad.

more information about the Complex school internship in Primary schools

Admissions qualification

The prerequisite for admission to the Master's program is the completion of a relevant Bachelor's program of at least six semesters' duration with a grade of 2.5 or better and with proof of

  • a basic knowledge of the basic subjects German, mathematics and subject teaching, as well as a further subject, including a major subject
  • 6 credit points in school practical studies:
    • 3 credit points in Prepared School Internship VOS and
    • 3 credit points in the vocational orientation internship BOS
  • 6 credit points in interdisciplinary educational science fundamentals including a block internship
  • 3 credit points in "Speech training"
  • 12 credit points in Schulgarten or Werken, provided that in the Bachelor's programme the subsidiary subject German Studies or Mathematics was chosen

Language requirements

  • German: Upon application, international applicants must prove German language skills at level B1.

Till the end of studies:

  •  If the general education subject is a foreign language, knowledge of level C1 must be demonstrated in this language

Language Centre

The Language Centre (Sprachenzentrum) offers around 140 language courses per semester in 16 modern and ancient (foreign) languages. It supports you in acquiring and deepening your language skills.


International applicants

International applicants whose native language is not German must provide proof of sufficient German language skills (level B1) upon application.

Information on required German language skills and the German language test for university admission (DSH):

Language and Admission Requirements 


Open Day

Studierende am Info-Punkt bei den Schnuppertagen
Open Day

Open Day

Numerous information and advisory services offer you the opportunity to see the study and living conditions in Erfurt for yourself at the open day. Get to know the green campus and the beautiful old town centre on guided tours. Information on the program: Open Day

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Similar study programmes


Apply now!

Apply for the winter semester from May 1 to July 15!
Information about application deadlines and modalities, admission, enrolment can be found at:

Apply now for a teaching profession in Primary schools!


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Consulting & Service

Student advice and counselling

Student Counselor Master of Education (MEd)
(Erfurt School of Education)
Mitarbeitergebäude 1 / Raum 0214
Office hours
Dienstags 15-16 Uhr und
nach Vereinbarung
Profile page

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