Title: 21st Century Great Power Strategy
20 April 10:00 -11:00
27 April 13:00-14:30
4 May 13:00-14:30
11 May 13:00-14:30
18 May 13:00-14:30
25 May 13:00-14:30
1 June 13:00-14:30
Midway reading and study break
8 June 13:00-14:30
15 June 13:00-14:30
22 June 13:00-14:30
29 June 13:00-14:30
6 July 13:00-14:30
13 July 13:00-14:30
Dr. Aaron McKeil is Course Convenor and Course Tutor on the MSc International Strategy and Diplomacy programme at LSE IDEAS. He also produced 'A Short History of IDEAS' in 2018 to celebrate LSE IDEAS' ten-year anniversary.
He gained his PhD in International Relations from the LSE. He also holds an MSc International Relations Specialist with Distinction from Aberystwyth University and a B.A. Political Science from the University of British Columbia. He previously served as Editor for Millennium: Journal of International Studies and as a Research Assistant at the LSE Centre for International Studies.
Module Description:
How does classic strategic thinking help clarify great power strategies for the 21st Century? To use a phrase from Raymond Aron, great powers compete and cooperate on the “strategic-diplomatic chessboard” of international relations. But, in the 21st Century, the balance of power amongst the great powers is shifting, and the chessboard itself is changing in fundamental ways. The decline of the US is producing a messy untested era of multipolar power politics, demanding and inviting new strategies. The rise of China, furthermore, is not only the most rapid and largest in world history, it is also the most strategically complicated because of its global economic integration. India’s longstanding strategic autonomy has provided India with security, but is also limiting its strategic potential. Russia is the weakest of the great powers, but this makes its strategy possibly the most consequential. The EU has impressive economic and normative power, and its member states wield considerable military hard power, but the ambitions of the EU’s global strategy may outstrip even these capabilities. This course explores strategic thinking and applies it to clarify cases of great power strategies in the complicated and changing context of the 21st Century.
Recommended supplemental preparatory readings:
Christopher Coker Rebooting Clausewitz
Lawrence Freedman Strategy: A History
Colin S. Gray The Future of Strategy