
Study Group "Critical Theory and (Capitalism as) Religion"

14. Juli 2021, 17:00 Uhr
Max-Weber-Kolleg für kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Studien
nicht öffentlich; nur Mitglieder des Max-Weber-Kollegs

Let's discuss different texts and publications related to the notion of capitalism as religion, on the one hand, and to religion as a utopian horizon, on the other.

Dear members of the MWK,

We are a group of PhD students who are currently starting a study group on the topic of critical theory and religion. The idea is to discuss different texts and publications related to the notion of capitalism as religion, on the one hand, and to religion as a utopian horizon, on the other. Our interest lies not only in classical texts of the sociological tradition like Weber or Benjamin, for instance, but also in contemporary authors such as Giorgio Agamben, Slavoj Žižek or Cornel West. Due to the interdisciplinary environment and the focus both on religion and normativity that characterises the Max Weber Kolleg, we think that this activity could fit into the research interests of many members. 
If you are interested in joining us, please send an email to one of us as soon as possible. Our idea is to organise a first meeting on 14th of July, 17-19:00, to discuss the further scheduling of the activities.

Best regards,
Marcus Döller, Lukas Meisner, David Palme and Ramón Soneira



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