Top Risks 2024. A conversation with Henning Gloystein & Amund Vik

 Date: Wednesday, January 31st, 2024; Time: 5:00 PM; Venue: LG1/ HS4

Dive into the Future: Top Risks 2024 

Embark on a riveting exploration of geopolitical landscapes with the brilliant minds of the world-leading geopolitical risk consultancy Eurasia, represented by Henning Gloystein and Amund Vik! Erfurt University's Forschungsgruppe Sicherheitskapitalismus invites you to a thought-provoking conversation that unveils the Top Risks shaping the world in 2024.

 Date: Wednesday, January 31st, 2024; Time: 5:00 PM; Venue: LG1/ HS4

Join us for an evening of strategic insights, as we navigate the complexities of security and unravel the uncertainties that lie ahead. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges that will define our future. You can find more information here