
Universitäre Schwerpunktfelder
Fakultät / Einrichtung
Fighting the monstrous ‘many-headed multitude’
09/2016 - 08/2017
1 416 000 €
Cesare Cuttica: A historiographical consensus simply accepts that in the early modern period democracy was reputed to be the worst form of government. However, this scholarly trend leaves a few major questions unanswered: why was this so? How was criticism of democracy articulated? In what ways did different authors and genres depict popular government? Which political concerns and social prejudices informed this anti-democratic paradigm? What is the legacy of such a mindset? In order to address…
Politics of Plunder
09/2016 - 08/2017
1 415 998 €
Kornelia Kończal: Around the end of the Second World War two processes dramatically changed the socio-economic landscape of East Central Europe: the expulsion of up to twelve million Germans and the establishment of a new social order inspired by the Soviet model. This project is an inquiry into the interconnectedness between these apparently distinct histories.

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