
5. Internationale Konferenz FUTURE EDUCATION

6. Dez 2021, 14:30 Uhr - 8. Dez 2021, 17:00 Uhr

Global Leadership Challenge in Higher Education for Effective Multilateralism & Sustainable Human Security

Ablauf für die Session mit Benno Werlen

06 December 2021

4 P.M. CET
by Benno Werlen…
Two questions will be addressed at the end:

Introduction and presentation of TJD

  • Why do we need an emphasis on learning?
  • How can we implement it in different sectors and different levels?

4:05 P.M. CET
Short statements in the following order:

  • Mamphela Ramphele (if she can make it): Co-President, The Club of Rome
  • Anne Snick: Philosopher of Education KU University Leuven, Club of Rome; Fellow WAAS
  • Joanne Kauffman: Independent Expert, Sustainability Science, former Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
  • Fadwa El Guindi: Cultural Anthropologist, University of California, Los Angeles; trustee WAAS
  • Sander van der Leeuw: Director of the ASU-SFI Center for Biosocial Complex Systems, Arizona State University
  • Carlos Alvarez-Pereira: Executive committee, The Club of Rome; Fellow, World Academy of Art & Science
  • Luiz Oosterbeek: President of the International Council for Philosophy and the Human Sciences (CIPSH)
  • Howard Blumenthal: Founder, Kids on Earth; Producer, Reinventing School, The University of Pennsylvania
  • Paul Shrivastava: Director of the Sustainability Institute and Chief Sustainability Officer, Pennsylvania State University, Member of The Club of Rome

4:35 P.M. CET
Conversation among speakers on the topic: “what are the obstacles to our practicable propositions and how do we overcome them?”

4:45 P.M. CET
Questions from the chat (if any)

4:55 P.M. CET
Concluding remarks

5:00 P.M. CET
End of the session



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